I almost have it memorized and hopefully after this Easter Season I will. During the Easter Season we replace the Angelus with the Regina Coeli (Queen of Heaven).

Queen of Heaven, rejoice, alleluia. / For He whom you did merit to bear, alleluia.

Has risen, as he said, alleluia. / Pray for us to God, alleluia.

Rejoice and be glad, O Virgin Mary, alleluia. / For the Lord has truly risen, alleluia.

Let us pray. O God, who gave joy to the world through the resurrection of Thy Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, grant we beseech Thee, that through the intercession of the Virgin Mary, His Mother, we may obtain the joys of everlasting life. Through the same Christ our Lord. Amen.

You can learn more about the Regina Coeli at Catholic Culture.

Now if I was only close enough to a Catholic Church to hear the bells I wouldn't have to set my Google Calendar to remind me!

He is Risen, Alleluia! He is Risen Indeed, Alleluia!